mandag 30. mai 2011

The Grim Reaper showes up in my dream as Mick Jagger...

Sometimes my dreams makes me totally embarrased as to how boring I can be, but sometimes they're strange.
Today I didn't realize my dream was scary before I had thougt it over some...
I had just been told that I was a total narcissist by a small group of people, they stood around me like a gang, they where colleagues or class-mates of mine or something.

I walket along, brought down by theese news, was I really a narcissist? what does that mean? -a narcissist? (I could't really decide...), Guesss I could be.. I'm awful..
Then a guy stopped me in the street and asked me if he could take my picture, I wasn't sure if he was a perv or a blogger or maybe both.. it was mick Jagger.
He had a black hat with a wide brim on and a black shirt, he was old but good looking. To his question if he could take my photo, I kinda just shrugged "OK, whatever" cuz I was in such a bad mood.
While he was taking my picture (wich was hard because i wore a cap wit NY written on it (wtf, what is up the hat's allready?!!??), and while he was trying to get a picture of my face, I was looking down) he asked me something like -what do you find to be true in life? -or something, I don't remember it word by word.. I, still in the bad mood, answered that I didn't know. -Nothing i guess, I said, but then I said -some love feels true, I can say that because it's my experience...
Then  i woke up and thought, how cliche was that?!  Ugh.

During the afternoon it hit me that it must've been The Grim Reaper who stopped me, asking me about life and taking my photo.

Not a good sign.

Good thing I'm not superstitious then.


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