onsdag 28. september 2011

I seriously crave markers!!

Hi, Long time no see..

Was just thinking this could might be not such a horrible idea for a 'Column' cus I allways go aroung obsessing about things i want, now it's markers.

I really needed to get markers here the other day, been looking around to see where I could get some not so bad sets and guess what, I only want the bestest!! This result in me buying no more than three Tria-markers this time, it's what i could(really not) afford. I want markers, many beautifull markers :'(

all pics taken from letraset.com

mandag 30. mai 2011

The Grim Reaper showes up in my dream as Mick Jagger...

Sometimes my dreams makes me totally embarrased as to how boring I can be, but sometimes they're strange.
Today I didn't realize my dream was scary before I had thougt it over some...
I had just been told that I was a total narcissist by a small group of people, they stood around me like a gang, they where colleagues or class-mates of mine or something.

I walket along, brought down by theese news, was I really a narcissist? what does that mean? -a narcissist? (I could't really decide...), Guesss I could be.. I'm awful..
Then a guy stopped me in the street and asked me if he could take my picture, I wasn't sure if he was a perv or a blogger or maybe both.. it was mick Jagger.
He had a black hat with a wide brim on and a black shirt, he was old but good looking. To his question if he could take my photo, I kinda just shrugged "OK, whatever" cuz I was in such a bad mood.
While he was taking my picture (wich was hard because i wore a cap wit NY written on it (wtf, what is up the hat's allready?!!??), and while he was trying to get a picture of my face, I was looking down) he asked me something like -what do you find to be true in life? -or something, I don't remember it word by word.. I, still in the bad mood, answered that I didn't know. -Nothing i guess, I said, but then I said -some love feels true, I can say that because it's my experience...
Then  i woke up and thought, how cliche was that?!  Ugh.

During the afternoon it hit me that it must've been The Grim Reaper who stopped me, asking me about life and taking my photo.

Not a good sign.

Good thing I'm not superstitious then.


fredag 27. mai 2011

ny Kaurismäki-trilogi gir meg gåsehud!

OMG Aki Kaurismäki skal lage havneby-trilogi og har laga den 1. i le Havre!

Jeg og lillebror kjørte gjennom le Havre i påska, spiste på et sinnsyk diner for trailersjåfører, sjømenn og andre folk som muligens kan gå inn under en kategori for menneskenes heller dystre skjebner, under brua, langs motorveien, imens vogntogene dundret forbi.
Og jeg ble slått av stedet; en by med kun industri og sandbanker, langs Den engelske kanal, i elvemunningen til Seinen, langt vest men allikevel uten følelsen av å være ved havet.

Jeg kan ikke tenke på noen annen enn Kaurismäki som kan klare å fange dysterheten til denne byen gjennom historien til en av dens skjebner.

Oh dette blir darkness.

lørdag 12. februar 2011

maybe not rape rape but definitally rape to my eyes..

Rachel Zoes debut collection is horrible.
I'm sorry but it's the truth, and although I feel actual guilt posting such a harsh quote and are physically putting strains on myself not be one of those who use the Internet as a toilet for all their negative spew, enough is enough.
OK maybe not horrible like a biblical flood but at least worthless!

I am just tired of talent-less work being credited as something worthy of anyones time and notice.

Mark that i don't say anything about Rachel Zoe, or anybody else for that matter, being talentless, she probably has a lot of talents, in lots of fields, but a designer she is not.

Honestly, why should i bye any of these pieces?
I feel insulted.
The choice of color, the cut(what is UP with those slacs???), the schizophrenic style or rather, the lack of any, at least I couldn't find the missing link between that "somewhat confused emo-goth-studio 64-esque black bag-dress" and "that swinging 60's inspired white dress with some black pattern"..
Horribly placed ruffels.
The makeup is depressing.
Is it just me? I mean COM ON!

Feel free to think I'm some bitter betch, in my eyes, the case is more that I feel it so wasted and unfair even, to give someone praise merely because hers or his face is famous.

This Rachel Zoe debut collection goes in the long list of cases like this, the collection is not impressive and it's really not interesting even though, or just because, it's Rachel Zoe.

I guess my point is; I miss real talent being credited for real talent.
I miss a focus on the work over the person behind it, I want quality control.
I miss the rooting for someones work who's actually impressive!


onsdag 12. januar 2011

Tøffhet på film

Noen ganger er man bare en heldig jente slik som meg nå på søndag;
Vi stakk på troll i eske på Cinemateket, jeg visste at de skulle vise noe kult men ikke hva og jeg klarte ikke å gjette meg til det, trodde kanskje det var Black Swan eller siste til Danny Boyle, det var fullt og uvanlig høy sikkerhet, da lyset gikk ned og filmen kom på skjønte jeg fort hvilken det var, som jeg hadde gleda meg til og satt i mørket  gliste som en annen idiot.
True grit, nye til Coen-brødrene!
(Hvis noen lurte var det den første visninga i Europa, den skal være åpningsfilmen på Berlin filmfestival OM EN MÅNED)

jepp jepp, brødrene leverer, kjempe tøff historie om en kjempe tøff jente som er ute for å hevne sin fars morder.
Kule prestasjoner av Matt Damon og Josh Brolin men Barry Pepper(!) tok seriøst kaka eller hva faen jeg skal si, med de villeste (saue)buksene jeg har sett.
Og ikke minst, en helt usaklig tøff, veldig skitten U.S. Marshall, Jeff Bridges.

Jeg vekselsvis gliste, beit negler og sleit med en klump i halsen filmen gjennom, eneste jeg stussa litt over var slutten og jeg har ikke helt klart og forsone meg med den enda..

Tøffe jenter har tydeligvis kommet for å fortelle hvor skapet skal stå, Chloe Moretz i Kick ass, Jennifer Lawrence i Winter's bone, Elle fanning er kanskje ikke så tøff i Somewhere men way kul!, og nå Hailee Steinfeld True grit. Det er helt i orden for meg, satser på flere slike i 2011;P

Får vente til den  kommer på kino dere da hehe, ellers har den visst lekka ut men for å få absolutt max ut av Jeff Bridges i kalsonger anbefaler jeg å se den på et lerret...

xxxO -Julia

mandag 10. januar 2011

cold feelings in the night

Don't know exactly if a Social Distortion-quote is appropriate here but who cares.

Fisnished "Sputnik Sweetheart" (or "Elskede Sputnik" as it's called in Norwegian, the language I read it in, Spūtoniku no koibito in Japanese..) by Haruki Murakami last night and I feel strange.

(I just liked this cover better than the norwegian cover I got, 
I really love good graphic design and  hate bad..)

Got this book as a gift from a friend and at first when I started reading it, I thought it was way to romantic in a way, for my taste, suddenly though it got exciting and I couldn't put it a way. 
Then last night I couldn't got to bed until I finished the whole thing, I get like that sometimes, dunno if I should call it a hang-up or dedication... 
Around 3 a.m. I felt like something really heavy, I felt so much for the narrator "K" and all kinds of horrible thoughts wandered around in my head, life is so hard and depressing, is my youth over? etc.. but suddenly it changed and it was over.
Felt like I had been on a ride.
what a book, so strange, cool and I dunno, uplifting in the end?
Murakami, you had me (as so many others I guess) puzzled by this story.

Thinking I'm gonna read some more Murakami soon...

xxx O, -Julia